A full Enterprse Resource Planning (ERP) system may be too much software for managing day-to-day operations at a manufacturer that works on a Make to Order or Make to Stock basis. However, with competitive pressures and customer demands being what they are, tools that offer an edge regarding costs and delivery do offer advantages.

Acumatica’s FlexMFG Discrete is such a solution. This module of Acumatica Cloud ERP offers a lower-cost solution to manufacturers that sell finished goods requiring light assembly but do not require full ERP software. Customizable, accessible and simple to implement, FlexMFG Discrete extends Acumatica’s kit feature to construct bills of material (BOMs), generate work orders, and automatically create purchase orders for raw materials.

Bundle Multiple Items into a Single SKU

Make to Order and Make to Stock BOMs may include stock and labor items. The FlexMFG solution can organize material items into a version-controlled BOM and add the materials and labor costs to establish a more accurate cost of goods sold for each finished product. The solution also supports BOM Explosion for auto replenishing materials by creating purchase orders for materials required for BOM assembly.

Support Light Assembly Operations

Acumatica’s FlexMFG Discrete model supports light assembly by auto-generating documentation for work orders and using sales orders to automatically create work orders if the finished product is not in stock. When work orders are completed, the finished products are automatically added to the stock of finished goods available. The tool creates pick tickets for order fulfillment.

Streamline Operations with an Adaptable Solution

FlexMFG Discrete streamlines operations to increase a company’s ability to scale when making products based on customer orders or creating stock based on sales projections. The tool automates and controls workflows so the business will operate more efficiently. With the ability to access the system from anywhere on any device, all the various operational stakeholders in the business can collaborate more easily.

A graphical capacity planning tool in FlexMFG Discrete allows for management of labor, with workers easily able to enter time via scanner. This enables more detailed management and computing of labor costs, resulting in more accurate cost of goods sold (COGS) analysis. By automating systems such as purchase orders for raw materials, FlexMFG Discrete also reduces vendor lead times and stock replenishment times.

Acumatica’s FlexMFG Discrete module can be deployed in house or in a private cloud, reducing start-up costs. Owners can customize the solution to fit their specific needs. They can also add capabilities such as CRM or data visualization at any time. The solution includes all-inclusive user licensing.

Your Business Accelerated

Acumatica’s FlexMFG Discrete grows as your business grows, with scalable, automated systems that support light assembly operations and allow for easier management of workflows and manufacturing processes. With real-time data collection, financial analysis, and forecasting, users can leverage FlexMFG Discrete to make smarter decisions and improve performance.

FlexMFG is compatible with all Acumatica modules and solutions.

To learn more about how Acumatica’s FlexMFG Discrete can help improve the productivity and profitability of your manufacturing operation, contact us for a demo and free consultation.